Thursday, March 31, 2011

El Chalten

Keith finally persuaded Lizzie to join him on a 6am trek to the view point for sunrise but unfortunately it was cloudy.

Patagonian woodpecker

Start of first trek

Gorgeous autumn colours

Lizzie saying goodbye to Keith as she heads back to El Chalten and the warm cosy hostel leaving Keith to camp in the cold

Lizzie´s second trek to Laguna de los Tres (Keith somewhere up the mountain)

4 hours and a very steep climb later brings you to the most beautiful lake and mountain view - amazing!

Met Keith on the way down as he faces night two camping in the mountains

Unidentified bird

Cosy microbrewery to celebrate Keith´s return

Thursday, March 24, 2011

El Calafate Argentina - Visit to Glacier Moreno

Glacier Moreno is 19 miles long and 3 miles wide and is an advancing glacier, swelling and growing in size each day

We spent a couple of hours watching big chunks of the glacier fall off and crash into the water below. The sound was incredible.

Chile - The ´W´ Trek - Day 3, 4 & 5

Chief porridge maker


The coldest we have been since leaving the UK in December 2008

The start of the incredible sunrise

Pretty pretty sunrsise

Hanging the food away from the mice who eat through tents and backpacks to get to the food.

According to Keith, the best beer that he has ever tasted - 10 minutes after completing the ´W´ Trek

A break from the bus trip on the way back to Puerto Natales

The most delicious creak cake to celebrate completing the ´W´ Trek - eaten as a starter

Eggs, steak and chips mmmmmm

Bar at the end of the ´W´ Trek

Chile - The ´W´ Trek - Day 2

Stunning but chilly campsite for night 2

8 tops, 4 pairs of trousers, 4 pairs of socks, 2 hats, 2 scarves, gloves and still unable to sleep during the night because of the cold?!? (and due to the noise of the mice crawling over the backpacks looking for food)

Chile - The ´W´ Trek - Day 1

A rare moment where Keith was walking behind Lizzie

Glacier Grey

Glacier Grey

Glacier Grey

Windswept look

Putting up the new tent for the first time!

The best breakfast ever - porridge with milk powder and brown sugar and dried strawberries made by Keith

Keith waiting for Lizzie to catch up

Boat drops us off at the start of the trek (photos out of order a little)

Tent up before dark - success