Tuesday, May 10, 2011

La Paz - Bolivia

La Paz is a crazy city that sits in a ´bowl´surrounded by mountains. As it grows, La Paz climbs the hills, resulting in varying elevations from 3,000 meters to 4,100 meters. The above and below photos are from the Witches market. Smiling witches in colorful full dresses and bowler hats—a fashion for women in Bolivia—preside over many of the shops with their daughters and heirs selling everything from dried llama fetuses (below) to potions made from boling snake heads!

The Bolivian people annually celebrate a patriotic "Dia del Mar" (Day of the Sea) to remember its territorial loss to Chile resulting in it becoming a landlocked country. The Bolivian Navy still trains in Lake Titicaca for an eventual recovery.

View of La Paz from El Alto.

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